by Montpellier

Horizon Minerals Limited (ASX: HRZ) (“Horizon” or “the Company”) is pleased to provide an update on the development of the Phillips Find Gold Project (“Phillips Find”).


  1. Phillips Find Joint Venture (JV) Agreement in place with mining specialists BML Ventures Pty Limited (BML) to develop and mine two open pits
  2. All management, technical, operational and maintenance roles is being undertaken by BML with oversight by the Company
  3. Low financial risk JV structure with BML funding all project costs, with net cashflow after asset recovery and repayment of costs to be split 50/50 between Horizon and BML
  4. Mine plan involves cutbacks to two existing open pits, Newhaven and Newminster
  5. Mining well advanced, with over 800,000 BCM (Bank Cubic Metres) mined to date in both the Newminster and Newhaven open pits
  6. Existing 200,000t Toll Milling Agreement executed with FMR Investments Pty Ltd (FMR) in May 2024 to be utilised for the Phillips Find JV ore
  7. First ore from Phillips Find is being hauled to the Greenfields mill, with processing of the first 40,000t ore parcel due to commence next week for a period of approximately two weeks

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